Maori Legend Kites
Depicting New Zealands Maori legends and art on our kites seemed an appropriate way to differentiate ourselves. The very positive reactions of expat New Zealanders (Maori and pakeha) to our two Maui kites at a Bondi Kite Festival in Australia confirmed to us that more Maori themed kites would be appreciated. Bold and colourful yet relatively simple graphics are best for stunning kite displays.

Fortunately for us the graphics in some of Peter Gossages childrens books on Maori legends are perfect for making into kites. The reaction of children to a picture they recognise makes it all worthwhile.
Click on book to go to the kite(s) based on that book.
Peter Gossage
It was a sad moment for us when we learnt that Peter Gossage died on 30 July 2016.
There will be no more books with their colourful drawings for the kids to enjoy and us to depict on our kites.
We were pleased to have received several years ago from Peter his consent for us to use the drawings on our kites. At the time Peter suggested that his new book, In the Beginning, would look great on kites. These kites are not for sale.