Maui Kites
*How Maui Slowed the Sun - telling the legend of Maui capturing the sun to slow it down and give more time for growing crops.
This was the first of our kites based on Peter Gossage books. Made by Rosemary.
*The Fish of Maui - telling the legend of Maui fishing up the North Island. - Dellaporta kite with graphics inspired by the book and then developed in the Peter Gossage style by Rosemary.
*How Maui found His Mother - a full size BOF Delta showing Maui greeting his mother. Made by Ray.
*How Maui Found the Secret of Fire - Shows Maui putting out the fire that starts his journey of discovery. Made by Rosemary.
Ra - A mock foil featuring the sun in How Maui Slowed the Sun (Ra)
Just need a fine day for a better photo.